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StrangeSoup t1_je3cbtm wrote

Thanks for all the effort you've put into this story. Its been so refreshing compared to the usual cultivator tropes, but your skill at developing unique and interesting characters has really pulled me in.

Two questions:

  1. Do you think Jin will reveal his true origins to everyone else besides Meimei? I'm wondering how Gramps will react.

  2. Are there any stories that you would recommend that are similar to Beware of Chicken? I love it so much, I can't get enough.


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je3j7ps wrote

I don't know yet. I don't want it to be a really big part of the story, honestly.

2: I'm a little unsure, because i've been so busy.


StrangeSoup t1_je4el0g wrote

I can understand not wanting to focus on Jin being from another world.

Do you think he'll perhaps ever confide in the others that he is actually two people blended together? I've always wanted to see the others reaction to such a thing.