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Sqeeter t1_je4iks9 wrote

I didn't care much for it either. I kept waiting for him to actually do something salacious and it's like "oh no, he did drugs and had sex"


Hazakurain t1_je4jfzx wrote

Yeah, in the Victorian era, it's the equivalent of slashing someone's throat in the streets.

So it was something extremely salacious in the context in which the book has been written


W3remaid t1_je4tojd wrote

He’s a (wealthy) dope fiend who takes advantage of poor women in a time when even the implication of sexual activity outside of marriage meant ostracization and poverty for them. He betrays his friends and straight up murders one of them. He’s a massive piece of shit even for current standards


albertossic t1_je9ocgr wrote

He stabs his friend to death and drives a young girl to suicide, following which her brother goes crazy and is killed in his pursuit