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jl9011 t1_jcld204 wrote

The Atlas Six was very disappointing for me, especially because I got hooked on the sample then bought the book and it tanked immediately after that first 10%. Definitely wanted to throw it against the wall

My biggest issue with it is that there’s not one but two characters that are the “I’m so arrogant and cool but I’m going to join because it’s a fun game for me and I’m bored” types, one that tries to seduce men around her (incredibly cliche) and the other who is just unlikeable. If you write characters that aren’t even interested in the plot, why would the reader be interested in the plot! Not only does it make them not relatable, it doesn’t give us any reason to root for them. Annoys me so much when authors forget that main characters need motive, the best driving force for a plot is desperation