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Wooden_Grapefruit_30 t1_jctqpa6 wrote

Why would it be an unpopular opinion?


JeanneTheHuey t1_jctrwhf wrote

Probably because most readers found(/still find) Holden annoying.


solarmelange t1_jcufxlq wrote

Annoying and therefore memorable. It would be an unpopular opinion if the question was about likability.


JeanneTheHuey t1_jcwbq8j wrote

Somewhat true. He could also be lumped in with other annoying teenagers found in literature though, thus diminishing how memorable he is. But I think the best answer would come from the original commenter ha ha


Wooden_Grapefruit_30 t1_jcts737 wrote

Well, what did they expect from a teenager?On a more serious note,yeah, he can be quite annoying, but he also has some redeemable qualities