Submitted by blackwaltz9 t3_1235xr9 in books

Sometimes I'll be browsing ebay for used books I can't find at my local shops. I notice that European covers, for example, tend to look really nice in comparison to the garish American versions. What the hell is that about? Do publisher's think Americans won't buy the book if the cover isn't adorned with primary colors and a dozen glowing reviews?



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HauntedReader t1_jdtdkom wrote

You're going to need to provide some examples of this.

I feel like, in most places, covers varies. There are some I hate and some I absolutely love.

I have a lot of books that I think have absolutely gorgeous covers and I feel like reviews on the covers is a trend that is definitely on it's way out.


TheLastBookOnTheLeft t1_jdtl1j6 wrote

The only book cover that immediately comes to mind is Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldtree. The UK version, imo, looks really good while the US version doesn't.


Gawdam_lush t1_jdu8uhk wrote

Circe, normal people, oryx and crake are some books I had to order from England because they were much more beautiful than the American version


captainhowdy82 t1_jdtfsug wrote

The worst is when there’s a movie or tv tie-in cover for a book


AdmiralAkbar1 t1_jdtfa2b wrote

What specifically do you mean "ugly covers"? Are we talking poorly photoshopped romance novel covers? Trade paperback reprints of classic books that have weird modern art for some reason? Books adapted into movies where the cover is now the movie poster with the words "NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE" on it?


Beyond_Reason09 t1_jdtei08 wrote

It's really hit and miss from what I can see, with different styles trending then going out of style. British covers are actually the least interesting to me because they seem to have a minimalism thing going on.

If you're American (or exposed to a lot of American media, which everyone on reddit is) then there could be some selection bias, where you are only seeing foreign covers that are good enough to share.


Shiny_Happy_Cylon t1_jdtcssr wrote

I need a comparison since I've only seen American covers. However, your theory sounds about right considering how many people never read another book past high school.


Ellery-Queen t1_jdtfls7 wrote

I think book covers have been going through an ugly phase over the past decade. They were also ugly in the 80s. In the 90s and early 2000s, they were usually pretty good


WorkerInevitable660 t1_jdtf1gr wrote

I have to agree. From all of the booktubers I’ve seen from other countries other than the US, they have far better looking covers.


ZeroNot t1_jdtnf3t wrote

One reason is US publishers know that most of their books are sold online, and so lean heavily on making book covers that are good thumbnails. High colour contrast, large text title (or author's name), high impact imagery. Most European books look best as a physical object.

Covers that stand out in a media rich advertising storm of social media and online shopping are the "right" pick for advertising acclimated Americans.


ElegantVamp t1_jdwmz4u wrote

Are there any examples or is this just more America Bad crap


Tanagrabelle t1_jdtg9hp wrote

I mean, Michael Whelan covers! Though he's been doing covers for decades.

There is probably a mix of covers, though.


Pipe-International t1_jdtqtg9 wrote

The Realm of the Elderlings U.S covers are some of the ugliest I’ve ever seen.

Also U.S publishers have a formatting consistency problem. Like why would you change the format half way through a series? One of the most annoying and aesthetically ugly things to look at on a book shelf. U.K publishers know that their buyers hate that sort of stuff. U.S publishers may not care? Or sell more digitally anyway? Idk.


lucia-pacciola t1_jdvagpw wrote

It's because Americans are stupid and wrong, but Europeans are cultured and chic.


Bos848 t1_jdtllm2 wrote

For some reason, the UK editions of Vintage (Random House) reissues come to mind, and they’re mostly boring, bordering on clip art. But, I’d prefer that over the aforementioned movie connections - yuck 🤢


e_crabapple t1_jdvms0q wrote

Feast your eyes on these refined and elegant French covers:

Or, possibly, whole countries don't have set styles in their book publishing, you're just generalizing off of a few examples.


keesouth t1_jdtr0yg wrote

I have the opposite opinion so maybe ugly is just subjective


Gawdam_lush t1_jdu8lfr wrote

No it’s true. I get books from England because of this. Have you seen oryx and crake? The American covers are soooo bad compared to the ones from England


Leilin t1_jdtjqj9 wrote

This. And not just the covers: when I moved to the US, I remember being annoyed at the spines never being standardized. Fonts and sizes all over the place, garish colors, sometimes they even shined... My shelf feels like being in front of a bulleting board covered with ads and fliers T_T

I got used to it after a bit though, I suppose there's some charm in this mess too!


fingersonlips t1_jdtm27k wrote

My Hunger Game covers on my versions that shipped from the UK would like a word with you.

They're hideous.
