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PumpkinPieIsGreat t1_jdlhilj wrote

Studies show time and time again that it depresses people yet "we" all seem to use it. If you don't it's considered weird. It confuses me. Why do I need to see someone's dinner or read their little anecdote about what happened during their phone call? It's absolutely whacky and I don't think it brings people together at all!


RoadtripReaderDesert t1_jdlnjqk wrote

So so true, I'd come away from posting on my thankfully deleted instagram account with infinitely more anxiety, sense of worthlessness or not being good enough than when I opened the page. Would people like the pic I posted? if not, what did I do wrong, maybe I'm just not photogenic, what about the blue evil eye emoji people say you should post to ward of jealousy and envy, utter nonsense but at the time felt key to a good selfie or whatever else. It's a toss up between instagram or tick tock for the most psychologically damaging platforms imho.