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slimpickins757 t1_jdh9hxe wrote

It’s not like a “look what I discovered” that’s been discovered before and shared a billion times. It’s a fresh discussion over the authors books and each person’s personal preferences as to their different stories and each one is gonna be different based off each persons reading history/preferences


MedusaExceptWithCats t1_jdh9mzy wrote

Fresh discussions are fine, sure. You mentioned book suggestion posts within the subreddit about one specific author, so I was commenting on instances like that. There's no reason to have multiple posts like that.


pornplz22526 t1_jdinvkf wrote

The suggestions are going to change as the new people join and old people leave and new books are published, though...


slimpickins757 t1_jdhawhj wrote

How are those not fresh discussions? Each one is going to be different than the last based off the individuals reading preferences and history. It’s very different than “look I found a detail I didn’t notice before” post that’s just repeated over and over and won’t spark anything new to be said other than “yeah found that too”. A suggestion post allows people to express the different things they enjoy about the different books an author has written which are going to differ person to person and no last post will ever be able to capture all those different reasons


MedusaExceptWithCats t1_jdhc7pb wrote

No worries, I think we just disagree. Maybe I'm on Reddit more or something, but I find the same stale discussions on any subreddit that is about a very specific topic.


slimpickins757 t1_jdhtonn wrote

I agree there’s stale subjects on any subreddit, I just disagree that book suggestions are one. And regardless that’s not the point, the point is that there’s often people within a sub who are quite toxic about this topic. There’s a civil way to handle the things you dislike whether it be to ignore it or voice your opinion respectfully as I feel we’ve managed to do, but there’s undeniably people incapable of that. Especially on the internet