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Unionstate195 t1_jef2zol wrote

Oh man once you get into this era it’s hard to get back out. I’ve been reading and listening to audiobooks about or from 1870-1920 for several years now. There is so much going on in the whole world. Everyone is heading towards WW1 in their own way. The US has reconstruction, progressives, massive westward expansion and industrialization. Germany has unification. Russia is a god awful mess. Queen Victoria’s kids and grandkids are ruling all over the world.

The Edmund Morris books on Teddy Roosevelt are pretty good and accessible.
Titan by Chernow.
Nature’s Metropolis by William Cronan.
A Fierce Discontent by Micheal McGerr.
Woodrow Wilson by John Milton Cooper.


laconicflow t1_jefaev7 wrote

I came here to plug those Edmund Morris books, also destany of the Republic, about the death of James Garfield and other things.