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FightGlobalNorming t1_jdhpust wrote

The stories with all this diversity almost always include a human or humanesque race as well, why can't that human race also be diverse like it is in real life?

Edit: like I get that there are elves and dwarves and Hobbits and all that, but these are all very humanesque species. It stands to reason that there are others of their species developed in other parts of the world, and as such would probably react similarly to humans as evolving and would evolve differently. These stories often involve a long journey, so I'd expect them to encounter different races of their own species


kornychris2016 t1_jdi52ow wrote

The answer to "why can't that human race also be diverse like it is in real life "

It's not real life. It's fantasy. A story made up in somebody's head.

Again, the author writes what they want to write. If you don't like a particular story because because it lacks diversity according to your ideology, find an author who shares the same, or write your own.

I'm all for a more diverse world. Instead of white washing or black washing and what not. I think a epic fantasy tale today would most likely include what you desire. But the works that any fantasy is inspired by is simply a product of its time.

It's just completely situational. There is no always right or always wrong in this matter.

But to answer the OP question of the logic, it's simple. Whoever wrote it, can write what they want. It's their imagination.


FightGlobalNorming t1_jdir9q2 wrote

I feel like the only writers who would be opposed to it are the racist ones, because as I said it has no bearing on the story. And how much do I really care about their opinions on that matter? When you produce a piece of art like a novel, especially in genres like fantasy, you're creating it in the hopes that people will love it and will immerse themselves in it and use their imagination in this fantasy land. If people love it and they stay true to the important parts of the story they should be thrilled more people are imagining their diverse selves into that world no matter their race. And at some point when you introduce a fantasy world into the public, if and when it becomes so loved it inspires movies and adaptations, feeling anything other than pride and fulfillment in bringing joy to others and just being mad about what color the characters are, well then you can pretty much go fuck yourself


kornychris2016 t1_jdisck7 wrote

I wouldn't put it as drastic and hateful as you. An American writer in today's society would probably be more inclined to write more diverse.

But America is not the only country in the world that has writers and today's society is not what it use to be through history.


FightGlobalNorming t1_jdixumh wrote

I didn't put it hatefully. The best description towards my feelings on those people and their opinions is apathy. I also don't care what country or culture they're from, racism from one corner of the globe is as abhorrent as racism from any other. And why defend their hatred by insulting what you misjudged as my hatred? At least racists deserve to he hated