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Houli1975 t1_it6vysg wrote

Ready Player One.

The prose just stunk. And the author would straight up stop the narrative to give page after page of fan wank description (really dude, you’re going to spend five pages telling me where the DeLorean from Back to the Future comes from?).

Glad Spielberg just used that stuff as window dressing. And just made a fun propulsive Goonies-in-VR coming of age style adventure film.


flyover_liberal t1_it7b153 wrote

RPO was enjoyable for those of us who grew up in that era.

The movie was fun too, but it made the puzzles stupidly easy. The point of the quest in the book was that people studied every nuance of Haliday's life, and used that knowledge to solve the puzzles. In the movie, it felt like it was mostly luck.