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LittleDollGames t1_itn8atn wrote

No. I have a whole Goodreads shelf dedicated to books I DNF. I don't count a book as read until I finish it. I want to be able to actively recommend or disrecommend a book and it feels more genuine if I read the whole thing and know all of the plot details. If someone were to ask I would say, I started it but didn't finish for XYZ reason.


qrkprk t1_itndueh wrote

I also use and reccomend a Goodreads DNF shelf. Mine is the exclusive type. Usually if I DNF, it's just not for me so I don't see a point in leaving a rating or review, but I might still recommend it to others.


ina_sh t1_itossy3 wrote

Oh that's a great idea about a DNF Goodreads shelf! Thanks!


hotdogtofu t1_itprf25 wrote

I love this idea. I wasn’t sure what to do about my DNF books. I want to keep track of them, but don’t want them on my read books list. Do you even do this for books when you can’t even get past the first couple pages?


LittleDollGames t1_itqcvjp wrote

It depends. If I sometimes if I know that I’m just not in the mood to read a particular book I’ll put it back on my TBR and try later but if I have picked up a book several times and still not gotten past the first few pages I’ll add it to the DNF shelf.