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KaleidoStory t1_iufvasn wrote

I feel the same (and I have really easy access to a public library). I like having my own collection (it also means I can read them when I want to and keep them in the condition I prefer).


sbailey72 t1_iufvvyn wrote

I’m the opposite. I have a very small collection of books I want to own, but I read ebooks and audiobooks constantly. Having to donate and gift all the books I read would give me anxiety. It’s the library for me.


KaleidoStory t1_iufwczb wrote

Do you only buy books you really like? (When I use my library I tend to do ebooks/audiobooks.) I'm tempted to start up a small free library.


sbailey72 t1_iug03b8 wrote

I buy books I know I’m going to reread more than once, and I’m going to lend to friends and family.


MissJesselsGhost t1_iuhx7l6 wrote

Same here. I have a handful of books that I love, or were gifted to me, otherwise it's all library or ebooks.


kace91 t1_iuha5er wrote

For me owning books is a nuisance. I love reading actual books (as oppose to digital) but I rarely revisit one after I'm done, so they just become a waste of space.

My issue is that I'm from Spain and I prefer to read in English (unless the book was written in Spanish obviously). The consequence is that most libraries barely have any content I'd be interested in, AND I also have a tough time trying to resell because people are rarely interested.

I really need to find an expat-focused reading club or something...