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Dalton387 t1_iufxzm1 wrote

I buy almost all my books. I like to re-read and it’s worth it to me, to have my books available at my fingertips at anytime. I got as tired of waiting on books to be available and having a timer to read them as I did asking my parents for a ride when younger and having them tell me no.

I became even more hard core on that when I went to kindle. I can have them all at my fingertips in so I can read on multiple devices and I can get them cheap, get them on audio cheaply for re-reads, and between sales and get real cheapness, I can take chances on series I never would have before. I’ve discovered and loved some series I wouldn’t have tried either because of price/interest or because of shelf space.


Sleepy_Like_Me OP t1_iufy5is wrote

I would be interested in a kindle but it’s just not the same for me, holding a book is much more satisfying. But sometimes I will download pdfs of books and that works well


Dalton387 t1_iufziyk wrote

You should think of giving it a try. The base models are very cheap. I like the paper white with no ads myself.

I agree that there is nostalgia tied up in books. I like the smell of a used book store. I like holding a book.

There are tons of pros to them as well, though, besides the ones I mentioned. It’s not an issue for me, but my dad uses my old ones to read my books and he can change the font size to something he can see without glasses. The back lighting makes it look perfectly lit, like a page in good lighting, so no more getting sore on one side and not being able to turn over due to poor lighting.

There is also no hand cramps from holding tomes open for hours. I take care of my kindle, but I don’t have to be precious and watch for potential spills or wash my hands so I don’t mess up the pages if something got on them.

I don’t have to take multiple books on vacation, in case I finished one. I don’t have to wait for a new book to come in stock or ship to me. If something happens to the kindle, I can buy a new one and download everything back. I can buy a book on a whim and have instant access. It makes flash cards when you look up a word you don’t know. You can pull out your phone and read when your sitting and waiting somewhere. You can read on a browser at work (only when you’re on break, though 😉).

I’m sure there are others I’m forgetting, but those are some good reasons to give it a try. There are a couple of emails you can sign up for that alert you to sales. I’ve gotten entire series a book or two at a time through sales like that for $0.99-2.99/book, before I ever started reading them.

I’ve rebought a lot of my favorite series for re-reading purposes. You should think about trying the cheap one. If you like it, get a better one. I don’t think the high priced one is worth it. Voyager maybe?


Sleepy_Like_Me OP t1_iug235o wrote

Okay I will keep that in mind! I just looked it up and I like the idea of it doubling as a notepad


Dalton387 t1_iug30c2 wrote

Sounds good. Do what you enjoy, but I just like to mention the benefits I see in it.😁


Hahnter t1_iugrno2 wrote

I was the same way, but after moving abroad, it's not viable for me to constantly buy books. I live in Japan and getting English books at a library is pretty much nonexistent. I started to use a kindle and it's just so much more convenient to have a bunch of books in one place that I can carry in my backpack wherever I go.

I still occasionally buy physical books for things I know I want to collect (such as Star Wars).