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t1_isd6jme wrote

> Which advice do you think is more useful to a struggling young man?

To most young men? "You need to be a man" is far more useful advice.

These 'rigid gender roles' didn't just pop into existence like magic. They're the result of millennia of human experience. Do they apply well to everyone? No. But the fact that they're almost universal across human experience - bridging cultures that never had any contact with one another - should give you a clue that maybe there's an actual reason they exist beyond a mere quirk of our particular society.

Basically, you're trying to 'femsplain' how men work. There's a reason that boys raised without a father struggle so much in life - and it's because all they have are mothers that presume little boys think just like little girls. Well, some do. But most don't - and they are poorly served by treating them as little girls when they aren't.


t1_isdpbiy wrote

>"You need to be a man" is far more useful advice.

Literally the most useless advice I could ever think of.

Completely meaningless without further explaining, hard to understand for someone who isn't one yet, easily misinterpreted unless the view of what is a good man is steadily reinforced, applied to millions who are in fact poor rolemodels and very bad examples to follow, making it a uselessly wide group to be a part of.

Maybe consider something with even an ounce of actual insight instead?