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BlackNEwhite t1_it8q0q6 wrote

Are you unaware of the popularity and tradition of telling stories about Greek mythology? Xena the warrior princess, the Disney film Hercules etc. And that's just the super popular stuff.

Do you need help figuring out why writing stories in that same vein is popular among writers? Really?

Have you heard of money?


mongreldogchild t1_it8vrf2 wrote

It's almost like that was my exact point. There is more than statistical presence of something that garners interest. If you'd taken even a passing interest in reading what I've written, you'd have seen that you should have been saying that to someone else besides me as that has been my point this entire time. No one here is of Greek heritage, yet they think that Greek heritage is popular in fantasy because of how many Greeks there are (in the same vein as their arguments towards other kinds of fantasy that focus on other European heritage).