Submitted by iwantolearnstuff t3_ya77cp in books
Submitted by iwantolearnstuff t3_ya77cp in books
I do like it, i rarely read though. But so far, the things i did understand i liked.
When you say "the book will continue along these lines" do you mean that new words will keep getting introduced?
Alright thanks! I'm going to read some more, and hopefully get used to his writing style/the whole setting. I hope i get the hang of it, feels like it'd be a shame if i didn't.
How long do you think it should take for me to get used to it/start understanding the weird sci-fi words?
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I think you should be able to look up those terms. I found info with a quick Google search:
The Sprawl is a colloquial name for an area in the northeastern part of the United States. I haven't read the Neuromancer, so I don't know if this setting gets further explained.
Cyberspace = The internet (but better, I think, according to the book?)
And nerve-splicing is the procedure of grafting/sewing nerves together in order to fix damaged nerve tissue. I assume the book may talk about it as a procedure to also enhance biological traits??? I don't know, but I hope that helps!!!
Yay reading a second language!!! <3 I say keep going but have a good dictionary at the ready. I am trying so hard to get through a short story (novella) in French and I think I've only managed 3 pages so far because my brain is b...r.e...a.k...i.n..g....
Thanks, your explanations did help!
Good luck on the french book though! As a Belgian i must say, French is a difficult language, and half my country speaks it!
I personally didn't feel like my post would fit in the recommendations thread since it isn't really about recommendations but more about the difficulty of reading a book i already got.
I'm sorry for posting this in the wrong place though. Would you like me to delete this post?
Haha merci! I have been convinced to believe I am at "conversational basic French", but this book was also written in 1880 (L'Inondation par Emile Zola), so that could be another reason for my struggle.
Also, yay Belgian! I am a fan of Angèle's music! :)
See other comment...I'm on phone
The recommendation thread is not only about recommendations, it is also for asking whether or not you should keep reading or if there are things you should know before reading the book.
Oh okay i'm sorry.
Should i take down my post? I'm not sure how does this stuff is supposed to go.
No worries. You don't have to delete your post it was already removed from the sub. But you can if you want to.
Alright, thanks!
afkmofo t1_it9kg65 wrote
It's hard sci-fi. They make up a lot of words but you get used to it after awhile. Same with Dune. The beginning is supposed to be kinda confusing.