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ObscureMemes69420 t1_iu1g52v wrote

People are just trying to cancel and smear him because they dont like his religion and worldview. Its very sad and you hate to see it


donjohndijon OP t1_iu1j8j7 wrote

Dude. Read the link in my edit. He doesn't think gay people should be equal citizens.

I'm not saying these crazy people calling him a 'proud nazi' aren't completely moronic. But he does have some fucked up ideas


AmishTechno t1_iu1kxpi wrote

And uses his platform and power to push them. He's not quietly in his house thinking "fuck the gays!" He's joining anti-gay groups. He's leading anti-gay groups. He's publishing anti-gay essays.


donjohndijon OP t1_iu1lli2 wrote

Yes. And he has less effect than other because his views are more extreme than the fucking Mormon church. Not a little bit either, he doesn't think we should have repealed laws against homosexuality. Repugnant.

But he also sat on the board of a national organization fighting gay marriage, having actual consequence.


AmishTechno t1_iu1m5jp wrote

Yeah, my point is, if you make a post about him and say his stuff is good, then that might influence a dozen people to buy his book. This, adding to his ability to rain his hatred down on our society.

Once he's dead and gone, if his estate is no longer linked to hate groups, then fine.

As long as he's living and getting money off of his products, we should ignore him.


ObscureMemes69420 t1_iu1nva2 wrote

I personally dont agree with him of course, but man can say what he wants 🤷🏻‍♀️

I think you should always separate art from artist


Cautemoc t1_iu2fbd0 wrote

When they are dead, yes. When the money you pay for their product goes into their pockets, no.


AmishTechno t1_iu1kt5r wrote

Yeah, if he held private views that were contradictory to mine, I'd still be fine with it to an extent. But, he campaigns for anti-gay laws. He actively pursues positions of power within organizations of anti-gay stances. He uses his platform to push his positions. Fuck everything about him.


donjohndijon OP t1_iu1l9d2 wrote

So you don't read him?

I agree, giving him money is like giving money to chic fila. It's going to support campaigns to ban gay marriage. If he had the support he'd also campaign to make being gay a crime (read the link in my update.) So yeah, horrible human, sure. But why should I not enjoy books I already own, as so many others insist?


AmishTechno t1_iu1lt3v wrote

I read enders game once. I then found out what kind of person he was..

Now, I will not read his stuff, buy his stuff, or condone the consumption of his stuff .

That is correct.


donjohndijon OP t1_iu1mzbf wrote

Can you tell me why? Is it just an intrinsic hatred for him? Or do you think that consuming his stuff (for example, someone re reading enders game after discovering he's a monster) has some effect on either that person or the world?


AmishTechno t1_iu1nstd wrote

No. I totally agree that if you already have the intellectual property in your possession, then it's not bad. If you had an old bill Cosby stand up special on VHS and watched it, you would be doing no harm. Same with Card.

Personally, I just don't want to read anything he wrote, because he's slimy. Same with, say, Spacey. No thanks. I own American beauty on DVD. But I'm not going watch it again. It would make me feel gross and wrong.

That's all.


ChimoEngr t1_iu4cw53 wrote

It's a bit more than just not liking his worldview. I find his world view evil, and something that should be erased from the world. One way to do that, is to diminish the platform he has to project that. It's all about the marketplace of ideas, and his ideas don't sell well.