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Danny-Longlegs t1_iufvg05 wrote

I wonder if you might enjoy post-apocalyptic fiction. It hasn't happened, but that doesn't mean it couldn't. Wool by Hugh Howey is a good introduction, I feel. Especially for any fans of the Fallout videogames.


whocaresfuckthisshit OP t1_iufvuu9 wrote

That’s a great suggestion. Thanks!


Dulcolaxiom t1_iug6m1g wrote

Have you read Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun? I’m not an avid reader, and have only read LotR, and the Dune series in the last two years. I say this because Book of the New Sun has captured my attention more than almost any other book. In the same way that LotR has that “mythological” feel to it, Wolfe has written something that feels like a waking dream. Reading it is like coming across a vision of the far, far future that you’re not supposed to see.

I haven’t finished it yet, but it might eclipse LotR as my favorite book.


Ambadastor t1_iufxqec wrote

Ooh, Wool is a great suggestion!


Danny-Longlegs t1_iugqnl4 wrote

Have you read the entire Silo trilogy? Lots of good stuff in there. I've also read the related short stories.


Ambadastor t1_iugrd7z wrote

Yep, it was all great! I'm hopeful the show actually gets made (and is actually good). I can't remember if I read the short stories or not, I'll look them up


Danny-Longlegs t1_iugrpwf wrote

Oh, I cannot wait to see the results of the Wool and Fallout TV shows. Very eager for that! The short stories are in 3 separate anthologies called, "The End Is Nigh", "The End Is Now", and "The End Has Come".


GenerallyJenilee t1_iugnt3h wrote

I second this, but it's also why I enjoy futuristic books/science fiction in general. It may not have actually happened, but maybe someday, something like that could happen. The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey was incredible to me because someday humanity really could colonize the solar system. And if/when we do, we will likely still face the divisions between the haves and the have-nots, and there will still be shady politics and there will still be People out there struggling with so many things that we struggle with now.

And sometimes you just need a bit of a break from fiction, too. There's nothing wrong with that, and I would recommend memoirs as they tend to have a lot of the same descriptions and engaging storylines, but they did actually happen.

Good luck, and I hope you find your mojo again!