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Potential_Energy_353 t1_itl3brd wrote

I think of the volunteers who went to Ukraine to fight as being pretty much the same as the volunteers who went to Spain…


Angdrambor t1_itlrc2q wrote

Can't wait to read those memoirs, at least of the ones who live long enough to publish.


Lanky_Fella t1_itogxsj wrote

Eh not really. People fighting in Ukraine are fighting in the name of sovereignty.

People fighting in Spain were specifically anti-fascists, often socialists. They were seeking either a revolution or changed politico-economic system, where Ukraine is fighting to maintain the same system


Potential_Energy_353 t1_itord56 wrote

And their system is democratic, while the invaders are sent by an actual fascist state

The volunteers I’ve talked to didn’t think beyond “a people have been invaded and asked for help”.

So that’s two levels of similarity