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RobTCGZ t1_ivuskv0 wrote

For many years it has been one book per year. For many of you that sounds pathetic, and it probably is. Here's the thing, I don't like to read, but I completely understand how much it benefits your brain and your cognitive abilities.

Also, I get physically uncomfortable every time I try to read. Maybe I haven't found the perfect reading chair.

Regardless, I have been for the most part keeping my goal for the last 8 years or so. Plus, some years I read 2 or 3. This year, as a matter of fact, I'm currently on my fourth one. So it's not always just one.


Mec26 t1_ivuuxzw wrote

One book is infinitely better than 0 books.

And you’re on number 4? Sounds like it’s working for you. In fact, it sounds like my rule back when I worked out: I would show up and do the warm up. It’s five minutes of walking, for most fit people it sounds pathetic, but often I would go another 40 minutes, since I was already there and started. The goal was just that: 3 times a week, I did a warm up. Everything else was bonus.

Of the four books, which one was/is best?


RobTCGZ t1_ivuvo6m wrote

This year I've been reading the Dune books by Frank Herbert. So far, Dune (the first book) seems to be the best, but I'm really enjoying God Emperor of Dune which is the one I'm currently reading. Like really really enjoying it.


Mec26 t1_ivuwopw wrote

Oh, nice! Dune is one of my favorite scifi epics. I found the sequels a grab bag, though.


CaptainKipple t1_ivv3l13 wrote

God Emperor is, after the 1st book, also my favourite in the series!


AcceptableOwl9447 t1_ivwbep7 wrote

1 book per year is not pathetic at all! There's been years I've read 50 books and years I've barely read half. It's a good goal to have and it clearly works for you to the point that you often exceed it.

Also, I am uncomfortable reading in chairs too, so I read either lying in my bed or while pacing around in my room (and if no one's around I combine this with reading aloud because it makes the whole experience more dramatic or immersive for me, feels like I'm a professor telling a story). But to be fair most people find this method of mine insane so I totally get it if it's not for you.