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BohoPhoenix t1_iwd4k2b wrote

Did you find it difficult to switch between the different writing styles of journalism and novels?

I loved writing when I was younger, but after pursuing a journalism degree, I find I lack the imagination to write in the style of novels where you want to engage all the senses.


franhawthorne OP t1_iwdbrct wrote

It was definitely hard at first. I had to learn to loosen up, to do all the things we were specifically told not to do in journalism, such as reveal opinions and personality. (And I still haven't shaken all those old habits. For instance, I still write too tight, as though I had to fit an entire novel into 2000 words!) I wonder if you could try an in-between route, like long-form magazine or nonfiction book writing? I was lucky that I did a lot of that sort of journalism, where there's room for multisensory descriptions and describing people's clothing, accents, and backgrounds.

I hope this helps. Good luck with your writing.