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timtamsforbreakfast t1_ixuglbi wrote

That's a cool achievement! You must be an Aussie too. Would you believe I have never read any Tim Winton book yet. Out of the 3 lists, which books would you reccomend I bump to the front of my want-to-read list?


Smolesworthy t1_ixvu4b5 wrote


Keep it simple. Start with the most recent and work backwards. The ones you’ll read first are the ones you can find first.

I was lucky - I have membership in two neighbouring cities’ library networks, both with no fee inter-library transfers. And one of them allows members to make up to three purchase requests per month. I was never knocked back unless it was impossible to buy it as it was no longer in print.

Then came the online used book hunting (eBay, ABE and Fishpond) and every used book store I could find.

And of course, the commitment to extended reading daily. I’ve been at it for a couple of years.


Smolesworthy t1_iy9wlls wrote

I can see I’ve also invited you to our sub. Hope you check it out. You’ll note all the award winning books posted, because that’s where I share the gems I come across in my reading. I’m planning to post a line from Updike on Valentine’s Day (NSFW)

>!To keep his prick up he kept telling himself This is the first time I’ve ever fucked a left-handed woman.!<