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nobikflop t1_ixpdkwu wrote

As someone who grew up reading the bible, I can say that you’ll definitely want to read the KJV version to understand common phrases. If you want to skip some books for brevity’s sake, Leviticus-Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ezra, and Nehemiah probably don’t have many phrases quoted verbatim in other literature. As another commenter said, this is how you get your “it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks” stuff.

However, you absolutely must read a modern translation as well, imo. I grew up learning the stories and mythology so it’s all embedded in my brain, KJV or not. Read the whole thing through in the New Living or Christian Standard editions. They will present a clear story so you understand what’s going on, especially in the Old Testament. Some of those stories are absolutely nuts, and the Old Testament prophecies are very poetic, but also very confusing in KJV.

Good luck! I know you’ll find lots of Western culture “Easter eggs” as you read, and realize where certain ideas and phrases came from.