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TheOtherCrow t1_ixuqxqv wrote

I read it when I was a teenager, so it's been a bit. I really liked the first book. After that I liked the stories less and less. Without too many spoilers, Richard is a special kind of wizard, and besides one brief moment for one section of a story, he never learns how to use his wizard powers. They mostly just turn up whenever he needs to dues ex machina his way out of a situation he can't fix with his sword. He's also an artist so he just gets artistic inspiration on how to fix things and it felt like a cop out most of the time. The soft core torture porn themes of the books didn't bother me, I was a teenager so I was probably into it at the time. The main characters just got less interesting to me over time. The side characters were great though. Zed? Loved that guy.