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goodgollyitsollie t1_iyc42pb wrote

I started reading it after I lost my job. I was depressed and felt awful, and the first half of this book made it worse. But it turned around. It left me on a much happier note and had an element of hope to it. It changed my perspective on my situation, and whenever I make a big decision to do something, I now characterise that as “trying on a different life for a little while.”

It taught me that nothing is permanent, but there is still good things in the world, and “figuring your life” isn’t a state you can achieve, it’s something you experience. Try the things that you wouldn’t normally try, don’t feel bad if things don’t work out. They’re just a life you were trying out.

It wasn’t the best book I’ve ever read, but it is certainly one of the most important to me.