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disciples_of_dissent t1_ivtpzt3 wrote

Agreed. I am on book 4 of her Murderbot Diaries series. Really enjoying it.


kzzzo3 t1_ivwi6wl wrote

I want to read this, but the audiobooks using a full credit for such a small part of the series seems very expensive. I’m just gonna keep my eye out for a package deal or something.


HeirOfNorton t1_ivwr9yk wrote

You could also check if your library has them (through Libby/Overdrive or Hoopla). That's how I listened to them.


dragontracks t1_ivx3l7a wrote

I got almost all of them from the local library. I got them on CD, but they also subscribe to a couple audiobook suppliers that allow you to download and listen.

I loved this series. I happily used a credit (Libro) for the one full novel in the series


dzennypenny t1_ivwrodd wrote

Please consider reaching out to your local library or seeing if it is available for you through the mobile app "libby" with your library card. Several libraries also have inter library networks where you can either get materials from neighboring counties or even sign up for other library cards for other jurisdictions in your region. This can expand the ebook and audiobook selection available to you through libby even if you can't physically go to a neighboring county location. Your local librarians will know best how to help if they are able to! Happy reading!!


disciples_of_dissent t1_ivyiswf wrote

Like a couple others have said, check your local library. All I had to do was get a library card and then I could check out books and audio books, both, online using the Libby app.


nd20 t1_ivyxy3m wrote

You could always read them instead of listening to them too