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Indifferent_Jackdaw t1_ivuiot7 wrote

Yes, welcome to the Murderbot fan club. You will not be disappointed.

btw I recommend reading Fugitive Telemetry before Network Effect. Timeline wise FT happens before NE and I feel it works much better in that order rather than publication. Loads of big splashy exciting adventures happen in NE and it feels weird to go back to a relatively small adventure after that. When you are just dying to know what happens with Murderbot and [redacted].


penguinsonreddit t1_ivv2y21 wrote

This is something I really wish I had known beforehand. I read them in “order” without looking details up because I was worried about spoilers and was extremely confused when I started reading FT.


angryscout2 OP t1_ivulln6 wrote

I read that ordering too so that was my plan but thanks for the heads-up