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mikeyboi2567 OP t1_iy6w5nz wrote

I think it’s deliberate too, Case can barely go 5 minutes without drugs lol


trjol001 t1_iy8cgv4 wrote

Also the number of brand manners can be confusing for people. What the heck is a Yaheowan?? Well it's the only brand of cigarette Case likes. But it's a barrier to reading for some people. I also love Gibson's style. Many of his books are excellent.


Jamcram t1_iyaj1wp wrote

I think I figured out a hisaki(that spelling doesn't look right) was his computer about 80% of the way through and im still not sure


alcaste19 t1_iy945mh wrote

This is exactly it. Neuromancer is my favourite book (tied with Flowers for Algernon. Can you guess the similarities? Heh.) and the moment his system is flushed and he's forcibly sober, the writing immediately cleans up.

Then he relapses and it gets wild again. God I need to reread this thing.