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Elcabezadehomunculo t1_ixwicj2 wrote

any romance books that are not cringe?, ( not a native speaker so please excuse my english), for example when i started reading fantasy i started reading awful sagas like "shadow and bone" from leigh bardugo , then i progresed to read better authors like n.k jemisin or brandon sanderson. i want to start reading romance books but i dont wanna waste my time reading the awful romance books like i did with fantasy when i started reading, basically im searching for the n.k jemisin or brandon sanderson of romance, also , about the little reading i have done in the genre, i feel like most of these books where writen by lonely people that fantasize about relashionships because they can't have a healthy relashionship, and the pourpose of this books is to apeal to other people in the same circumstances, to the point where i find it cringe. so i would like to find an author that portrais relashionships in a realistic way ,not necesarily in a healthy way , beacause i often enjoy when i see a toxic relashion ships if the author is aware that it is toxic (not like , "after" for example)

An example of a credible love story that i have read is the one in "jumper", i hope that helps to understand my point.