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ItsJOVANI t1_ivy4ihl wrote

I enjoyed it, but felt similarly. It was a quick, engaging read and left pretty much no lasting impact on me. I’m fine with this because that’s what I expected and sometimes those are exactly the kind of books that get hyped up. I personally would classify this book as a “fun” book. It’s not a book that will challenge you or change your mindset, it’s just a book that’s hard to put down for a few hours.

I think the Monique storyline weakened the book. I like the idea of it being from the perspective of the writer, but her being tied into it felt forced and melodramatic to me.


Hi-isLiv OP t1_ivy8q35 wrote

Agreed. It’s not bad. Maybe I had expectations for the reviews.

Not every book should be a masterpiece and I enjoy both deep and fun books. I expected this to leave an emotional mark. More than one reviewer said that they were still crying after reading. I put on too much pressure on the emotional delivery


ItsJOVANI t1_ivyaasg wrote

Yeah, it’s hard to know based on reviews, especially some I saw on TikTok/Instagram. I don’t know if a lot of those creators are maybe just newer readers (as in they are just discovering their love of reading away from an academic environment) or if there is some sort of internal pressure to overhype things when they are also creating social media reviews. That’s really where I saw the overhyping. I felt similarly about The Midnight Library and I saw a lot of people calling that life changing. Maybe it was for them, but it didn’t hit that way for me at least.


Hi-isLiv OP t1_ivyapns wrote

I understand. I don’t have tik tok but I have instrsgram and sometimes the book proposed aren’t that good.

It ends with us comes to mind. I enjoyed it more than this one but it’s not emotionally pulling or remarkable


LemonSqueazee t1_ivymjjh wrote

Yes! I saw so much hype about Colleen Hoover, and people claiming It Ends with Us is their new all time favorite book and just don't get it. I don't tend to finish 'bad' books, so the fact that I read it in a few days says something. But I think it was just a quick easy read, nothing groundbreaking about it. (if anything I felt it was a little problematic..)


Hi-isLiv OP t1_ivyncsu wrote

Same here. It was predictable and fluffy. I need something like that sometimes. It was a good book it it’s category, I think I liked it also for the theme.