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wishIwasastoner_ t1_ix2oe71 wrote

TLDR I had bad comprehension issues and starting with low reading level books with visual help and interesting plots can help a lot with building up your comprehension to where one day you might be able to read without concisely thinking about reading.

I used to have severe reading comprehension issues. I always had to take those tests in k-3 where you read as much as you can and I would get halfway through the paragraph. it obviously went up by sixth grade but I was still about a 2 years behind. (I couldn’t understand the Diary of a Wimpy Kid comic series until 6th grade) when I was force to read I stuttered and jumbled the words, I mispronounced a lot of words, etc. but then I (ik this is funny but i’m being serious) discovered the episode app and I got really invested in reading the “canvas/creators” books (which are made by average people). they only had dialogue, it had movement, it had a life based storyline, and many more familiar features. I was able to comprehend it because of the additional VISUAL features that are already understood (like facial expressions and dialogue). I read them constantly. I fell asleep at 3 and wake up at 4 to read it. I was absolutely obsessed. then I got into comics and obsessively read those, then I started read watt-pad stories with basic, unimaginative plots, then I started reading actual books. and because I started with something that way easier to comprehend I seem to have built up my ability to comprehend more complicated literature. i’m now a high schooler who’s only taken honors english classes and am about to be in my first AP english class. idk if this helps at all, but I suggest starting with something you find extremely interesting but is way below your level. not something like the instruction manuals/books but one that has a storyline.