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boxer_dogs_dance t1_iy8kbnl wrote

Any book from that time period has long descriptions. The only visual art they had was painting and sculpture. Readers had time on their hands.

Glad you enjoyed the story.


illuminatijaguar OP t1_iy8p6rn wrote

my problem isn’t with excessive descriptions, I wish she had spent more time showing the readers through dialogue and character building how Elizabeth is spirited and smart, how Jane is easy-going and benevolent, how Darcy is serious but also shy and socially awkward, how Bingley is animated and good-humored, instead of simply (mostly) telling us those things. I wish she described more how Elizabeth physically felt, how her blood boiled at Darcy’s proposal etc, how people and places looked and such


poetrynati t1_iycvmmb wrote

She does all of that, but through show not tell and much more appropriately (aka discreetly) for the time period than the movie does. Remember she isn't a modern YA author.

If you want to check a version that's more book accurate and see more clearly what I'm talking about, the BBC adaptation is a great place to start.


illuminatijaguar OP t1_iyetw5v wrote

I’ve watched the BBC series and I quite liked it, but thank you for the recommendation