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Glitz58 t1_iyg2ucx wrote

Very interesting interpretation. Whether the authors know the exact words 'dissociation' etc they know the concepts from life observations. I think Terry Pratchett does a similar thing in Soul Music. The protagonist Susan is a child at boarding school who is frequently missing in certain classes because she goes invisible. There is a family secret and all sorts she will discover and fun explanation but I think TP uses it as a proxy for dissociation and avoidant coping after being cut off from her grandad and her parents death. To my eyes as a trained residential worker she also has Boarding School Syndrome, RAD, introverted. It's very cleverly done being intertwined with another parallel thread which is more lighthearted.


ThrowingSomeBruddahs OP t1_iyg48ns wrote

Yeah, I generally believe that most writers write out of a kind of general instinct or feeling about how their stories ought to go. But I knew a little about PTSD and dissociation when I read the passages, so it seemed interesting enough to write about.

I have a lot of Terry Pratchett saved on my Scribd account, just waiting to be read. I’ve only read The Hogfather and Guards! Guards! so far.


Glitz58 t1_iyg5pib wrote

In the same book Death is troubled by reliving memory which can be PTSD if it is negative memories or unresolved grief if it is invasive good memories which block the ability to function in the present.