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shorttompkins OP t1_j1e5zuc wrote

I also love when an author uses this trick well - where they foreshadow something very subtly with basically a spoiler but you never know when/how its going to work out. Something along the lines of "so and so mentioned needing to remember to do something tomorrow, even though ultimately it wouldn't matter". (terribly poor example on my part) You're just like "ohh shit, it's about to go down but I have no idea what that means!!"


TheGrumpyre t1_j1ejx0a wrote

Have you seen the movie Stranger Than Fiction? They talk about that important phrase "little did he know"...


gomets6091 t1_j1ex0qc wrote

Stephen King does that a lot, and I agree it's really good when done right


Maninhartsford t1_j1f0ome wrote

I like it sometimes but he definitely overuses it. I remember at one point in Under The Dome I was like "hey, stop with the spoilers"


tommy_the_bat t1_j1f0gym wrote

Absolutely hate this device :/ Interesting that you enjoy it though!


Psychological_Tap187 t1_j1fxf36 wrote

They laughed and parted ways for the night not knowing that that would be the last time they would all be together under such happy circumstances.


things2small2failat t1_j1gaca3 wrote

She tapped out a brisk reply to the comment and then hesitated as she picked up her coffee. The coffee wasn’t hot anymore and there was no comfort to be had in holding the cup. The reply was fine, she thought. No one would read it anyway. And even if someone did, there was nothing in it to identify her.