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xenizondich23 t1_j1fc6w6 wrote

You'd probably enjoy adding a book I once found: the entire thing was written in emoji. I don't recall any details about title or author, but the story started with a man getting up our of bed and making breakfast. It was intriguing how legible it was.


crystalsinwinter t1_j1hgxgh wrote

Book From The Ground by Xu Bing. Does that sound familiar to you? According to the web site when I typed "book written in emojis", information and pictures about this book and its author came up, as well as info about various museums around different regions hat have his work.


xenizondich23 t1_j1hv27t wrote

Yeah, actually! That looks very similar to what I remember. Great find!

Apparently the author has also written a book of illegible Chinese characters that no one can read. Which sounds counterproductive.


crystalsinwinter t1_j1hc07v wrote

I would LOVE to get that book. :) I'll look for that book online. If I find it, I'll post about it in this awesome subreddit. :) I have to go look in my physical book library for some of the books I have that I described in the post, so I can edit the post for everyone. :) lol