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largeuglyogre t1_j1o8swr wrote

I'm on the other end. I'm 40, and as I've gotten older I think I read more fiction. I think it mostly just has to do with me using it to relax instead of learn as much these days.


klopije t1_j1oh5kt wrote

Same, 41 now and I almost exclusively read fiction. Reading is an escape for me so I love fiction.


DjangoBaggins t1_j1op84c wrote

I always felt fiction has the opportunity to teach more within a single story than non-fiction.


ElricAvMelnibone t1_j1rsz3j wrote

>"And now, to escape my trap, I will ask you these riddles three" said the dark lord Sauron, "what is the suborbital configuration of Nitrogen in its ground state?"


jordan_chez t1_j1orrx8 wrote

Same here. I spent my late 20’s and early 30’s reading so much non-fiction trying to “improve” myself. Now I am reading 90% fiction and trying to chill out.


zipiddydooda t1_j1p6ngz wrote

Haha this is so relatable. Hope you have a relaxed 2023 doing shit you enjoy, my friend.


eatsleepchillrepeat t1_j1plaiw wrote

Haha I'm the same. Non fiction / self help doesn't make me want to read anymore. I don't mind non -fiction only if it's in the form of a story.


Beep315 t1_j1r7cyw wrote

I do want to chime in and say that there is a lot to learn from fiction. Lisa Genova is a former neurologist (I believe) whose protagonists have a neurological condition and you learn a lot about that character’s disease. I read a novel that was set in Burundi and I learned a bit about that country that I hadn’t known. Same goes for Miss Burma where I learned about Myanmar and their revolution. Even Fleischman is in Trouble—I learned a bit about the social strata in NYC. I could go on.


kratly t1_j1qekn4 wrote

Yep. I’m a 40 yo dude and while I do still read some non-fiction on occasion, I mostly read as an escape after work or just as fun entertainment on the weekends. So it’s mostly fun fictional novels.


Mslolsalot t1_j1qiw4j wrote

Yup. I read for escape. There is more fantasy historical fiction, and sci-fi in my collections than ever.


wripen t1_j1qrouj wrote

I’m 33 and feel exactly the same way. In fact, even in fiction, I’ve lately moved into more fantasy so I can be further away from reality.