gardenomette t1_j2atnx1 wrote
I can only remember a few of them. I'm an old old woman wheezes in 38 👵🏻 We had to read Peer Gynt and a doll's house by Henrik Ibsen Haugtussa by Arne Garborg, Lord of the flies by William Golding, The hornets nest by Jimmy Carter. Hunger by Knut Hamsun, The prose Edda by Snorre Sturlason, A midsummer night's dream by Shakespeare, the Cider House rules by John Irving. And I know we read a bit about the black plague aswell. But I can't remember what it was
(in kindergarten we read The witches and the Twits by Roald Dahl together and we had to draw something from every chapter. And that was the best mandatory reading of all!
[deleted] OP t1_j2awhhs wrote
Spamel334347 t1_j2bh5dr wrote
A Journal of the Plague Year, maybe?
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