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obrerk OP t1_j2677zi wrote

Reply to comment by Davidstarr86 in 1984 and homoeroticism by obrerk

homoerotic in the sense of the marilyn frye quote where she states that men look to other men when it comes to respect power and recognition and proufound relationships while seeking care from women


Davidstarr86 t1_j26a6qd wrote

That Marilyn Frye quote is very context dependent, and I would argue, intentionally provocative in order to make her broader point.

I think the more broadly accepted definition of homoeroticism is sexual attraction to members of the same sex.


obrerk OP t1_j26asq2 wrote

Yeah,very fair point,my bad for not including context initially


Shitposting_Praxis t1_j28rykn wrote

you might consider the term “homosocial” which is a long-used literary trope.