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t1_j2f85d1 wrote

Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Non-fiction. Reads like Indiana Jones with a 007 booster pack.

Cartoon History of the Universe. Gosnick filters unvarnished cultural horror through a sense of humor informed by Charles Addams.

Nonfic is awesome.


t1_j2fa4h7 wrote

I also enjoyed Lawrence In Arabia (not to be confused with Lawrence of Arabia although it's still about TE Lawrence) by Scott Anderson. It's like Seven Pillars with more background and footnotes. And yes, the whole thing read like an adventure epic and I was somewhat left feeling empty when it was over.


t1_j2fe2ey wrote

Have you read Lawrence: The Uncrowned King of Arabia?

I really enjoyed that one. Especially where the author went in to prove it was doable only to find out otherwise. Because that also tells you something about TE Lawrence.


t1_j2fajgp wrote

I was going to pick up seven pillars awhile ago from a book store since I was interested in it being written by T E Lawrence and it sounding interesting in itself but decided not to. kinda wish I had now, guess that's another one to add to next year's to read list.


t1_j2fe7bu wrote

>Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Non-fiction. Reads like Indiana Jones with a 007 booster pack.

Mmmm. Unreliable narrator.