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Johnhfcx OP t1_j2dsyuh wrote

Wow that sounds good. I think it's from when they escaped the city. I haven't got that far yet.


Hidromedusa t1_j2du4it wrote

>Wow that sounds good. I think it's from when they escaped the city. I haven't got that far yet.

Oh, although the story is known, luckily I didn't say more! Just to say that when you finish reading this book you feel that you have received an unforgettable gift. It's one of my favorite books, and for a long time it was the best book I'd ever read.


Nice_Sun_7018 t1_j2f31tb wrote

When I think of all the unnecessary chapters that Hugo was begged to cut out and refused, I think of how I will never read these superfluous chapters again - except for the bit about the under-city sewers. Fascinating chapters and something most of us don’t ever think about, and Hugo came in hot, so passionate about the topic. I love it.