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Primary-Initiative52 t1_j2f30n9 wrote

I read the book summer 2021 and really enjoyed it. First, I was just LMAO about how casually our main character was popping sleep-inducing drugs. Then that crazy "doctor" that she found, I also found hilarious. Deeper than that though...our main character is traumatized. Yes she is pretty, rich, privileged...and she acknowledges that and uses it...that's how she's able to quit her job and sleep (well, sort of) for a year. I surely don't think the author is recommending this as a course of treatment for depression at all...the author wrote a book of fiction.


Ryleebirdee OP t1_j2f4qgx wrote

Oh yes for sure. It’s definitely not intended for a treatment of any sort. I just found it a hard read and triggering.

Edit: Maybe I should just take it more lighty though and perhaps I would have found it more comical and enjoyable bc as you point out, it’s just a fiction book. Good point!