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PM_ME_UR_MULLETS t1_j2ae0e8 wrote

I thought the spaceship made it? Or at least I don’t remember reading about it’s destruction


Redjay12 OP t1_j2aixa8 wrote

very last page describes people boarding but the spaceship is broken apart in the ocean and floats among dead sea life

edit nope the ship does take off! and they describe a plane breaking up in the ocean last page


PM_ME_UR_MULLETS t1_j2ak33d wrote

That’s definitely not described in the edition I read or the audiobook I listened to. I thought the whole point Miller was making was that the Quo Peragrinatur escaped, leaving mankind one step ahead of the devil again?


Redjay12 OP t1_j2akb2m wrote

I misunderstood. they take off, there’s a blinding light, and then the next paragraph describes a plane being broken up in the ocean.


PM_ME_UR_MULLETS t1_j2akqws wrote

Yeah I just reread myself to see if I’d missed something- can defo see why it could be remembered that way. Glad you started the discussion about it- due a reread I think!


Redjay12 OP t1_j2aoqjh wrote

it does completely change the meaning of the book if discussions on space pope prevents us from progressing and they die in a nuclear holocaust ! so much more cynical


PM_ME_UR_MULLETS t1_j2apqg6 wrote

I do really like the idea of the bureaucratic discussion around a space pope literally dooming the species to extinction. I generally lean towards the bleakest ending possible myself taste wise as a reader haha