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Rezdawg3 t1_j1y1vqe wrote

The reason I didn't like the book was because it makes no sense that Achilles ever fell for Patroclus in the first place. Some awkward kid showing up and suddenly Achilles is drawn to him without any explanation of why...and Patroclus getting all hot and bothered every single time the sun glistened on Achilles. It became overkill. I think I rolled my eyes too many times and it became more of a distraction and annoyance. Too many things about it were poorly done, imo. Lots of positives as well, but I just found too many issues with the book to give it 4 or 5 stars. Glad you enjoyed it though, I know my stance isn’t very common.


my-nips-hurt OP t1_j1y7km2 wrote

I think your stance is more common than you might think? There have been a couple of comments that reflect this and I don’t disagree with it. For me, the lightweight relationship is both a pro and a con. It’s a con because, like, yes, I want to see this fleshed out. I want to emotional intimacy and struggle, not the boy crush and shallow views for a couple who literally grew up together. But I also like that it was very surfaced because I wanted a good story and a moderately happy ending. I wanted something lightweight and easy to read and digest, an escape, a book where there’s a bit of “magic.” I like the heavy hitters, I do, but at this point in time, I really just wanted a book that pulled on my heart strings in all the right ways without dragging me down too much. I’m not saying it couldn’t have been pulled with a deeper insight to the two, because your point is really valid, but I don’t know, I think I wanted it and so I didn’t mind putting away some qualms.