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liadhsq2 t1_j1ylgj6 wrote

I enjoyed Ariadne also.. I tried to read two other books surrounding the Trojan war, one was a complete bust. House of Names by Colm Toibin and I can see why people enjoy that style of writing, but I need dialogue, inner thoughts etc and I think he talked about a hallway for a page and a half and I just closed the book. The next was about Iphigenia and her sisters, this could have been a good book but I was just tired of the Trogan War! I was reading them one after another because as a greek mythology child I couldn't get enough, needed more, haha. Ariadne gave me that Greek Mythology hit but had nothing to do with thr Trojan War. Loved it.


bofh000 t1_j1yq884 wrote

You might enjoy Stephen Fry’s retelling of mythology. It’s a trilogy by now: Mythos, Heroes and Troy. He does a very good job at telling the legends and even occasionally bringing his own commentary to them. The best part is that it doesn’t sound didactic and although they aren’t technically novels, they flow in a very natural style. He has also done some shows where it’s just him sitting in an armchair telling the stories. I warmly recommend them. And if you have a change to get the audiobooks, don’t miss it, Stephen is also a master narrator, he’s made me hate my commute wasn’t longer :).