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my-nips-hurt OP t1_j1z7owr wrote

You’re welcome to find a post about how awful it is. I’m here to share sentiment with those who enjoyed it. There are plenty of hate posts, or you can make your own. No need to poop on someone else’s party just because you have a different opinion.


Gambenis t1_j1z8ro0 wrote

I can’t educate a random Reddit user on taste. But it might be helpful for you to know that this book is terrible so that you might expand your reading horizons.


rckwld t1_j1zaxih wrote

You can at least put in the bare minimum effort and explain why you think it is terrible instead of being a condescending prick and suggesting they simply don’t have taste.


Gambenis t1_j1zhdwe wrote

Ok. Poor characterization. Weak prose. Reads like twilight fanfic with Greek mythos backdrop. Happy?


my-nips-hurt OP t1_j1znpr0 wrote

Would you like me to link you some posts that dislike the book? I think you’ll enjoy it there more than a post that enjoys the book. Whether it’s bah humbug-ers fleshed out critiques, I’m sure there’s a place you can enjoy being a miser.


my-nips-hurt OP t1_j1zn5pp wrote

Thanks for saying this. I appreciate it. I try to stay fairly nice, but this is what I really wanted to say 🥲


my-nips-hurt OP t1_j1zmr4x wrote

I’ve commented several times when other people critiqued and even agreed with them. I literally put in my post that this was useful to help me start reading again. It really just sounds like you want to complain and criticize someone else’s joys and feel holier than thou. There are lots of posts on this subreddit and in Reddit for that.