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IrishEv t1_j29xyns wrote

The first law series by Joe abercrombie read by Steven Pacey. The books are great fantasy novels and Pacey really gives each character a distinctive voice.

There is a character that is missing teeth and speaks with a lisp because of it but when he is thinking he has no lisp. Little things like that make it fantastic


Iforgetmyname2much t1_j2accyr wrote

Audiobooks are more difficult to listen too now, because of the gold standard these two have created.


ThatOtherOtherGuy3 t1_j2dskyq wrote

It’s so good it’s ruined other audiobooks for me because they pale in comparison


Ducea_ t1_j2aozei wrote

"Ith Severer" Abercrombie has perfected the art of the intriguing henchperson