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redwings1340 t1_j2a5jui wrote

Im asexual, and Im legit confused when watching most media portrayals of romantic and sexual relationships. From my perspective, either the majority of humanity is a bunch of sex obsessed idiot bullies, or portrayals of sexual relationships are just unrealistic. I legit can't tell which is the case.

If it's the former, then I'm clearly the weird one for getting extremely bored during these scenes, in which case I should just admit that most media isn't made for me. On the other hand, I just get frustrated when the fate of the worlds on the line and all the characters can think about is whether this person likes them! Nothing takes me out of a story faster than that, when the writers feel the need to take a break from interesting stuff to write the most boringly annoying scenes that just feel completely pointless to me.

I'm probably the weird one here honestly. About 90% of songs are about romantic love too, and I don't understand the lack of creativity there either. So I'm probably just wired a bit differently and just don't really get what most of humanity takes for granted.


BetterLivingThru t1_j2ad4b8 wrote

Bit of column A, bit of column B. But, for the most part, yeah, that stuff is in there because most of humanity is pretty dang horny whether they repress it or not, it's why sex sells. I am sure that does suck for you though.