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FreshChickenEggs t1_j2az0ig wrote

I am really good friends with a guy from a friend circle that I've known since we were like 14. We're both late 40s now. We've never hooked up or had anything other than a friendship. His ex-wife had the same type of relationship with my husband from the same friend circle. When we'd run into them, it was great. No one ever got jealous, and everyone caught up, and friend pairs could have conversations without anything being weird. We still text to catch up every few months.

There are several books that could be written about this friend circle where it was just a group of friends doing things, and rarely did anyone hook up,if they did most of them ended up married. Just some guys and girls hanging out having fun and doing stuff.


Yellowbug2001 t1_j2bvv4t wrote

Sometimes I wonder if I'm strange because I'm a woman with a number of male friends from high school, college, and grad school, we've always been just friends, it's never been weird, there was never any question of romance, we went to each other's weddings and were happy for each other and are now friends with each other's spouses, too. I literally can't remember having seen this dynamic in any work of fiction outside of like, The Muppet Show. Are most people just randomly horny about literally every member of the opposite sex they meet and very short-sighted about who they decide to flirt with? Or is this some weird thing where fiction doesn't reflect real life at all and writers only bother writing male/female friends if they're going to use it to inject some drama when the plot lags, because "seriously, actually friends" is boring on paper even though it happens all the time?


hodler41c t1_j2e2j5q wrote

But have you ever solved a murder together? Because if books have taught us anything that will do it.