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capn_corgi t1_j2bq8up wrote

That’s why I hate Christmas movies and Hallmark movies, so over everyone always ending up with their high school boyfriend. My high school boyfriend is a woman now so what am I gonna do?


TheNextBattalion t1_j2bxs8q wrote

Marry her of course. I don't think it'd make a Hallmark movie though


Not-your-lawyer- t1_j2c9ohv wrote

I think they already included a lesbian couple? So it's at least partway there.

Break up in high school because she realizes she's into women/ done with his stereotypical masculine presentation & behavior. He moves to the "big city" and drops all contact with everyone at home. Ten years later, someone's back in town, making an effort to reestablish connection with their family. They're still not 100% on board with their daughter's new presentation, but they're trying. The rest of the town isn't so cool with it.

The ex stands up for her, since she's dealt with something similar being gay. They reconnect as they try to change the minds of everybody in town. By the end of the movie, nobody's fully on board with it all, but they're moving in a positive direction. Small town girl leaves for the city with her ex-bf-now-gf, thinking maybe it won't be so bad to come back home next Christmas as well.


ActionDeluxe t1_j2d4i28 wrote

What a nice, hopeful ending to a story that really reflects my life right now.