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crystalsinwinter t1_j233vo2 wrote

  1. Young Adult Fiction takes up most of my physical library. A lot of movies that reach cinematic level, I heard, are from Young Adult Fiction, but many of those fans criticize Young Adult Fiction, which is odd, if they're really from Young Adult Fiction.
  2. Harlequin Romance comes in second, but I don't read every genre in Harlequin Romance and I skip the sexy pages if they exist. I say if because some books don't have sex and some don't even have kissing. But many are critical of the publishing name, Harlequin Romance, and many are critical of the covers. They all, the ones I read, have awesome storied lives.
  3. Nonfiction takes up a small third. I like funny stories and inspirational stories that can help people win in Survive And Thrive.